Friday, November 12, 2010

Community Health Students Present at IAHPERD State Conference

A few of our upper-level Community Health Education students presented at the state meeting of the Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance this week.  The students developed and shared a presentation entitled, "New and Dangerous Risk Behaviors Practiced by Today's Adolescents and Young Adults."  The students did a phenomenal job presenting the material and received many compliments concerning their outstanding work. 

At this same conference, UIndy senior CHE major, Kelley Sprinkle, received the Catherine Wolfe Scholarship.  Because of Kelley's outstanding work and dedication, she received paid registration to the IAHPERD conference and a $50 check to cover any travel expenses.  Great job representing the University and the CHE program in a positive way!

CHE students learned quite a bit about participating in professional conferences this week.  They had an opportunity to serve as presenters, presiders, and attendees.  What a fun way to further their professional development!  Be sure to check out the pictures.

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