Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Advocacy Trip to the Indiana Statehouse

On Monday, January 31 a group of Community Health and School Health students attended the Smokefree Indiana advocacy event sponsored by the American Heart Association.  It was a phenomenal trip to the Indiana Statehouse and a great learning experience.  Students were able to meet with Representatives Jud McMillin and Eric Turner to discuss their support of the Indiana smoking ban in public places.  After honing their advocacy skills by working hard to persuade Representative McMillin to vote in favor of the bill, students were able to watch the actual vote on the legislation from the gallery.  We were all very excited when the legislation passed the House, though our advocacy skills obviously still need some work since McMillin's vote was nay.  Now we wait and contact our senators in hopes that it can finally pass the Senate this year!  Check out our picture with Representatives McMillin and Turner.   

Friday, November 12, 2010

Community Health Students Present at IAHPERD State Conference

A few of our upper-level Community Health Education students presented at the state meeting of the Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance this week.  The students developed and shared a presentation entitled, "New and Dangerous Risk Behaviors Practiced by Today's Adolescents and Young Adults."  The students did a phenomenal job presenting the material and received many compliments concerning their outstanding work. 

At this same conference, UIndy senior CHE major, Kelley Sprinkle, received the Catherine Wolfe Scholarship.  Because of Kelley's outstanding work and dedication, she received paid registration to the IAHPERD conference and a $50 check to cover any travel expenses.  Great job representing the University and the CHE program in a positive way!

CHE students learned quite a bit about participating in professional conferences this week.  They had an opportunity to serve as presenters, presiders, and attendees.  What a fun way to further their professional development!  Be sure to check out the pictures.

Friday, November 5, 2010

What's New in CHE

The new Community Health Education undergraduate program is up and rolling at full-steam here at the University of Indianapolis.  It’s exciting to see the amazing work the students are doing and how they’ve already begun to positively impact the community around them.  

For starters, CHE majors spearheaded a campaign for greater enforcement of the University tobacco policy as part of National Health Week’s message, “Tobacco Free Nation through Health Education.”  A student created a fantastic t-shirt design incorporating the slogan, then student volunteers wore the shirts while passing out tobacco education materials and soliciting signatures for a petition requesting stricter enforcement of the University policy.  They are currently in the process of taking the petition up through the necessary channels to see if they can gain administrator support for the change in enforcement. 

Another project undertaken by majors is to work with HealthNet Southeast Health & Dental Center at Fountain Square to develop a community walking program.  The big launch will be held in the spring with a walking event, health fair, and many great prizes.  Students are developing walking maps and health information that will be provided to all participating community members.  What a fantastic opportunity for all involved!

CHE majors are also working on a nutrition environmental analysis and program proposal for the University.  They are analyzing the current nutrition environment, then providing ideas about how the University could develop a more supportive atmosphere for healthy eating.  They will present their findings to the University Wellness Task Force who will hopefully employ the strategies recommended by students.  

Our first group of seniors will be seeking internships this summer and will be utilizing the professional networks established for them through our Kinesiology Advisory Board (KAB).  Students have been given the opportunity to network with top community health leaders such as Dr. Joellen Vrazel, Assistant Commissioner of Health and Human Services at the Indiana State Department of Health, and Dr. Virginia Caine, Director of the Marion County Health Department.  These networks hopefully will lead to some amazing internship opportunities.  We will keep you posted with information and pictures.